Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Why do we look at porn?

It has occurred to my mind that the reasons given for why we look at porn - like the reasons given for many things - are the wrong way round.  What can be expected when we live in a world of 'morality' where if one is to be indulgent or sensual at all, some kind of hypocrisy, excuse or double standard must be followed?  Or worse, a world where one must feel 'guilty' and even accuse oneself as a criminal [or even a pre-criminal] when the beauties of the flesh and sensuality become the drivers of our actions [or, if we're honest, spectating rather than 'doing good sport'!]

The moralists, and their unhappy science, would have us believe that pornography, or anything erotic or sensual, drives us to some form of 'evil' or at the very least concupiscence.  But let us be honest - it is the opposite that is true.  How often do you look at porn, or a beautiful person, to 'get horny'?  Only when you're not feeling healthy.  But when in good health - it is good health itself that impels you to your passions.  That is, you seek pleasure in life - and where it is lacking - even seek it in some artform, some form of media - as humans have done for millenia [consider ancient sculptures!  Porn and erotic art are not new!]

But the false moralist, who hates life and hates you enjoying it - would prefer you believe that abstinence prevents what they deem 'immoral', criminal, or of course - with their slippery slope argument -what leads to crime.  In their eyes, marjiuana results in crack cocaine addiction, and somehow - if we are stupid or terrified enough to believe them [be smart and brave! Be yourself!], eroticism and pornography lead to violent and horrific rape and murder crimes.  But bad dreams and horrific fantasies are the figments of a mentally ill imagination.  Yet we submit to that!

I tell you this - straight to the point, with no twisting of reality - it is a healthy body and mind that seeks and loves sensuality, the erotic, even the so called pornographic.  It suffers no neurotic fear of it.  Does not feel it needs some illogical morality that dicates one should avoid anything pleasant.  It loves beauty and orgasm because it is healthy!  And who or what could  claim otherwise but a body and mind that is sick, cowardly and resentful?

Throw away such moralities based of cowardice, envy and resentment!  Throw away anything that has to twist logic and turn reality on its head!  Throw away anything that requires morbid fantasy to justify its very existence, and requires that you come to exist less - by living less - to simply hold itself at all in relation to you and anyone that is healthy.

Enjoy your porn and eroticism, enjoy your naughty fun!  For that is a sign of good health - not evil, not sickness, not psychiatric neurosis or 'paraphilia' as is argued by the sick moralist and his unhappy science.

Live your life and live it with those you wish to mutually pleasure.  And that - requires no morality or false science to justify itself or stake illegitimate claims as do the sick and the resentful, those who today call themselves 'good' [and we still 'believe'!!!]


  1. I do enjoy making and watching porn :)

  2. So do I - believe me!

    We all should! The more porn - the happier we all are!
