Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Why I believe in violence.

We should not fight back - but tell the police.  We should not seek vengeance but turn the other cheek.  Such barbarism!  Such spiritual abomination and philosophic blasphemy!  Such demands as these at once remove all human dignity and the integrity of individuals and even entire social groups!  I say this - if ever there was a greater desecration of Human Rights it is the rubric of docility.  All around us docility is propagated, recommended, cajoled, and enforced as policy.  Laws and unspoken cultural norms force us to be 'free' only in the light of complete and utter pacifism in the face of persistent curtailments of ones own interests and security.  The subversion of these interests and personal security are sublimated unto the 'public good' - and the illusion of just returns or even some personal profit in a 'higher' sense, as well as feigned peace and security - are the final smothering cushion that veils the individual, or group, now dead to ones own self and even dead to the forum of the realpolitik.

Do you not believe that in a different world you would be richer?  That you would have more pleasures even if they do not include a cheap faux leather sofa and a flatscreen TV?  Which would you prefer - an orgy or an iPad?  Which would you prefer - the adrenaline rush of a pitched battle, even a hunt, or microwave food and boredom the pain of which is numbed by the persistent buzz of your mp3 player?

Am I suggesting we get rid of modern comforts?  Not necessarily - not at all in fact.  But what I am saying is that the costs of these and how they are acquired under our current political-economy must be given serious thought.  Presently the very way you are expected to use and enjoy these modern comforts destroys your body and your mind - it dulls the spirit.  You are expected to let your body atrophy - for it will never hunt or fight, it need not be fit for the orgy.  You need not defend yourself or even keep your very mind fit and active as your 'rights' are all taken care of under a package deal called representative democracy.  Your vote is your signature in a social contract where you give away all your verve and acumen.  In some states and more will follow in future - you are legally obligated to vote or at least register to do so.  You are not expected to challenge this obligation, fight it, question it, or disagree with it.  Immediately a certain political violence/violation has been performed against you, and this is rendered as lawful.  What human rights do you genuinely have if you cannot fully opt out from the social contract per se or challenge it at its roots?

But let us cut to the chase.  In a world where two men can no longer have a duel, to fight their personal battle between themselves, or where one cannot rightfully defend ones own property or person or ones given interests lest one has disobeyed the state (and of course, the laurels upon which it is rested - its false god and religious morality) - two men are not two men and one is not one.  In such a world there is a permanent displacement and abasement of the self or any relationship between persons one care to consider.  Be that a group with shared interests or two men at duel - they do not exist as they are not permitted to execute their own Cause of Honour as they see fit.  What about Class Action and similar pursuits you may ask?  The point  has already been made - none are permitted to execute their own Cause of Honour as they see fit.  At every juncture they plaintiff most run to the superior and seek succour there.  Never can one secure ones interests and make ones own rules or challenge the rules set.  There is not right to violence whatsoever therefore there is no right to anything beyond begging for quarter and crumbs under the table.

I tell you this - if you cannot make your own rules and laws and cannot challenge rules, laws, and consensus openly and even with coercion where there is no reasonable dialogue and mediation (even taking into account asymmetries of capacity and not breaching their quantities) - then you cannot do anything and you are subject to the greatest violation.  For this you are permanently vulnerable to the most terrible violence and when it comes you will be so conditioned into a state of docility you will like neither wit nor muscle to countervail it.  The state itself could abominate you and call it justice - you can be arrested and framed, very easily, and this certainly happens in states where docility has been so severely enforced and has been so widely accepted it is regarded as 'normal'.  The state could fall to another state or some violent invading force and you would not have the experience or guile to defend and promote your interests in any state of war or even a 'state of nature'.  Your home can be robbed, you may be raped, your family dishonoured, you may be debased at your place of employment until your mind is broken - and if you fight back you are criminalised, if you seek police assistance - nine times out of ten nothing will happen.  The police are only interested in you when they gain from it - either by arresting and destroying you, or chasing your perpetrator so they may have your glory.  What is your glory they take?  When the police do bother to arrest the one who rapes your daughter or sister or steals from your home or murders your parents - they receive the prize and the praise for the 'good work' they do.  If you sought redress personally - you are another 'violent criminal'.  Am I understood?  The Glory of your redress is when you make your own laws and punish the one who has done evil against you as you see fit - and your prize may be the compensation you demand from their property, their flesh, their lives.

When you cannot pursue your grander political or economic or cultural interests without risk of severe coercion or some cunning form of silencing - and then to countervail this cunning violation of liberty to speak and act and do you use violence as a tool to remedy the political landscape and restore balance more in your favour, to restore the demos itself even such that you and those people and things you value are given adequate representation by your winning the competition by restoring fair play to suit your laws and Will - then you cannot even claim to be a real living human being with rights.  For you cannot genuinely live, do politics, seek your own rational interests or cultivate your tastes as suits your passions, you cannot genuinely speak, act, or even defend or secure yourself - you are not even a carbon copy - but at best a dead blunt instrument.

I tell you the truth - violence is good, violence is politik, without violence there cannot be politics, without violence there cannot genuinely be free economics and good enterprise or even fair welfare where the needy has a voice, there is no genuine culture and certainly no religion beyond spiritual bastardy and barbarism.  Then only possible outcome is that eventually violence becomes the only means and end - for the deepest instincts that cannot be sublimated tend to explode and seek only to destroy everything before all can be rebuilt.  Have we not seen such horrors in Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, the Middle East, N Ireland, and S America?  Do we not even see it in our own ghetto's?  In this sense violence begets violence and that is a good thing - it is the last hope.  When the state, its bastard churches and false religious bodies, its quango's and 'think tanks', dehumanise and use 'Human Rights' to turn human beings into Fukuyaman 'happy dogs sleeping in the sun' - then the greatest violence has been done, and only the greatest violence can restore humanity.  When Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, the state, Communism or NeoConservatism even - engage in this ultimate violation of human liberty by compelling - then only that most base instinct that is the compulsion to lash out and destroy can give any space for values to grow again.

If then, the greatest violence against state, political paradigms and religions are clearly justified - so obviously is your own violence against invaders of your property, your interests, your pleasures and those people and things you love.  Clearly you have liberty to set your own rules and relations in the social spaces you inhabit and make.  If you are compelled to indulge other than you wish in those habitats and relationships - there is no true politics for you have no space you can call your own.  Your space has been violated and you are at best a slave even if you 'are' at all.

Violence restores!  Violence gives hope!  Violence protects, makes, gives pleasure!  Violence is an instrument of justice!  Let it not be taken off you!  Violence itself thus is a pleasure!  Let it also be yours!  Do  violence unto those who do it to you!  Any other practice is choosing death over life - nonbeing over being, weakness over strength - it is a curtailment of your very Will.  That is a violation against the self and those people and things you love.  Defend your property, your dependents and your pleasures and interests as you see fit!  Even against the state, the police, religions and political doctirnes!

Hail Sodom!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

The sweeter the suffering - the greater the pleasure.

Did you notice that in every aspect of life how much suffering and anguish you endure will reap magnitudes more pleasure?  And that the quality of that pleasure itself is dependent upon the profundity of the suffering?  Immediately we are compelled to ask a couple of questions before proceeding:

Is all suffering beneficent?  What does 'sweet suffering' entail?  After all - mainstream religion and the laws developed by the State are quite obsessed with your enduring much negative and body and soul destroying suffering without any challenge or question.

The second question is more direct - 'which pleasures'?

When I speak of sweet suffering I insist that every moment of agony irrespective of how extreme and unbearable that be - is itself experienced as a form of pleasure, for it is comcomitant with pleasure just as pleasure is the very apogee of sweet suffering.  Positive suffering is equally connected with the pleasurable outcome as the head is connected to the body.  Sweet suffering is the embodiment of pleasure itself.  That suffering which 'cuts the head off' must be dismissed, its very source destroyed - for it gives no liberty whatsoever (positve or negative or in layspeak neither opportunity nor freedom).  Respectively - all sweet suffering must be nurtured, even when it makes the enjoyer of that suffering whimper and beg for quarter.  For from that comes greater opportunity for greater experience, a wider gamut and profundity of experience - more depth and breadth - 'more freedom'.  Thus it may be said that it is from sweet suffering all true hope manifests as 'Will to Power' - a Power that surges one forth body and mind into the apogee of Life itself.  The 'agon', the persistent tumult of resistance and battle, the anguish of yearning and gasp of release is the Existential hub of ones being wherein Power and Pleasure are entwined as two aspects of the Spirit.

Which pleasures?  Is there any difference between the agony of rock climbing and reaching the top, the sexual tortures of a kink dungeon where the lashings of whips, persistent humiliations, edging unto orgasm followed by orgasm denial, and the eating of a very hot spicy albeit juicy and quality kebab?  I watched my wife, nigh upon the end of her pregnancy, suffer terribly as she consumed one mouthful after another - refusing to take water as her tongue and throat burned and her forehead and cheeks sweated in anguish.  One week prior we tried the same kebab without spice only to find it so utterly mediocre we vowed henceforth to welcome the sweet suffering with open arms.  What is most interesting is that the apogee of this act of spicy gluttony was not the swallowing of the last hot mouthful - but every single mouthful, the very act of torturous consumption itself.  By welcoming the suffering - we enjoyed a better meal.  It is no different with rock climbing, or hard trekking in the Himalaya's - the view is always worth the pain.  Each lash of the whip, each humiliating cheer from the audience as you piss yourself once more in your stark naked disgrace which keeps one in that permanent subspace of semi-orgasm is just as important as the orgasm itself.  Pleasure is Pleasure.  Power is concomitant with Pleasure and Power is to be found in and through every Act Of Sodom that is the magnitude and quality of your existence.

I urge you to seek out suffering - the sweetest and most unberable suffering - suffering beyond what you can presently endure or even imagine.  Seek suffering that enlightens, emancipates, liberates, gives experience - and in every experience there is Pleasure.  Seek positive sweet suffering in every aspect of your life: eating and drinking, sex, sport, war, competition, even relaxation (consider the ordeals of Yoga).  Without suffering - there is no true pleasure.

And anything that recommends against suffering, be it religious, cultural or political - destroy it.  For without sweet suffering there is nothing.  Such a terrible 'God' is emptiness!  Nothingness is the ultimate negative suffering - the most destructive torment - for your own Black Flame that is Desire will consume you for want.    Then you will become an eternal Void.  Eternal agony without relief, capitulation, or hope...

Hail Sodom!

The dreams you give your father are marks of your glory and success.

We make our own dreams and pursue or dreams.  Or our dreams are given to us as hope and alternatives to  an unacceptable reality.  Our dreams are the fabric of our ambitions and that fabric to a great extent comes from the world around us.  We may appreciate that world or as I already said choose to dream an alternative.  Dreams are also milestones to better dreams - higher and holier things, and battles against false ideas of what is higher and holier.

But when do you know you are on the right track with the formation of your dreams?  When are your dreams truly a mark of your own Spirit - and respectively a mark of your own Glory, which is inexorably bound to and with your Spirit?  When your dreams have spilled out on to the world around you and begin to make their mark - you could claim to be on the road to success if not already having achieved what you desire.  It isn't hard to see that this crucible can be a great stumbling block of delusion and barriers of illusion.  Then what certainty have you that you are truly on the right track - that path that is truly yours?  It is not merely a mark of your Glory to have painted a few walls.  Any fool can write on the wall.  But when others read "the writing on the wall" that is yours and say "and so it goes" - then surely you are on the right path.  For then you have been recognised in your truest form, all masks and illusions of who and what you truly are removed from the view of all spectators before you.  Furthermore - you have made your mark not merely on a wall but have become in the minds of others another totem around which to dance or from which to flee and dread.  Either way - your territory and path has been marked as yours.  But the greatest recognition comes from ones own family.  Your neighbourhood and town may fail to recognise you for their ignorace - but when your father sees your path then your own prophethood has been observed.

What dreams you give your father - or mother or siblings - are the most sincere mark of your Glory.  Glory - not merely everyday 'success' such as career or other trivial achievements recognised by the State and other empty dehumanising institutions.  That lacks spirit, humanity and relationship in all dimensions.  When your father sees your path, dreams of your path and actions - your being and doing - and reiterates that to you - surely you come to know thyself as he has come to realise you in your growth.  Let me give myself as an example.

When I was 22 years old - my father called me to his room, with the most severe countenance - no expression have I ever seen on that mans face more solemn and severe than on that day.  I stood before him expecting some battle until he raised his eyes to the ceiling and raised his hands and said emphatically:

"I don't know how or why this came to me but it did.  And I blame you for my 'bad dreams'."  He smiled mischievously and I could only ask "Why? What???"

And his words were as follows:

"I dreamt that I was running away from the cops with several friends.  We hid in a farmyard owned by two wealthy and very proper old ladies.  Wearing gold rimmed glasses, immaculate grey hair, pearl earrings and necklaces and crisp well ironed white blouses.  These old women gave us permission to hide in their farm.

As we moved around the outbuildings we saw you and your closest friend preparing for pranks.  There you were, pulling all the farm animals by their ears, shoving them from behind, bringing them together to copulate out in the open.  You were causing all the animals to participate in a giant farmyard orgy - laughing hysterically to yourselves, as you put pig upon sheep, sheep upon goat, horse upon cow and so on.

We walked by these copulating animals - which were everywhere, all grunting and mooing and baaing and groaning.  Shit and piss was everywhere - and you spread it around with large yard brushes.  And then my friends and I walked between two tall towers more than ten feet high - made completely of animal dung.  The stink was unbelievable.  Atop both towering dungheaps you placed pigs who were now fucking one another and shitting from above.  My friends and I were so ashamed and horrified yet you and your friend were rolling in hysterics.

The old ladies stood sternly at the porch of their house, looking on in dismay.  I approached them and asked lamely "I'm very sorry about all this.  Can we still stay here?"

The old ladies simply said "No.  You can't stay here any longer.  Look what your boys have gone and done. You can't stay, I'm sorry."

We apologised once more and vacated the property as you and your friend remained, cajoling all the animals in their orgy."

My father could only stand with a wry grin as he finished his dream, and stood on in shock as I laughed.  He argued that I caused his dream - for this is "what I'm all about and nothing else".  My point is clear - I am the Prophet Of Sodom and I bring an end to excessive chauvinism represented by those old women.  This my father recognised very early on.  It was in his deepest mind an immutable fact and never again did he argue against any of my actions or words on these matters.  For four years prior since I was 18 he could not believe my role in this world, the nature of my Spirit or Glory - but I wrote on the wall often enough that it became imbued in his dreams.  My dreams were in his.  There was no further denial.

Quod erat demonstrandum!

Be yourself and push yourself to the absolute limit such that nobody can continue to deny your true nature and Path!  Make them dream your dream then surely they will know you and appreciate you for who you are.

Hail Sodom!