Saturday, 12 January 2013

Fit for fucking.

There are many moralists no doubt reading me and passing false judgements.  Those common accusations against 'concupiscence' where those of us who choose life and choose to enjoy life without allowing our Will to be subverted by the resentment of them...  Those dreadful and too often false labellings and denigrations against those of us who have no fear of sex, drugs and rock n' roll - to encourage us to feel a sense of shame, with the perfunctory concomitant guilt.  And on what grounds are we to be ashamed?  On the perception that we are somehow degenerate - weaker, lazier, less intelligent, imprudent, disorganised, disoriented and confused with ourselves (for all our Hedonism is but a manifestation of some 'inner tumult', of a profound grief and discordant and confounded sense of identity)...

But I pass my assurances - that debauchery and Sodom, Hedonism - has nothing to do with weakness - quite the opposite.  Respectively, I must place the resentful, the petty moralists constantly in panic and on security alert, in the same category as the degenerate, slothful and imebcilic.  For they simply lack the strength and sheer razor sharp Will to even find out what it is they desire, define that desire, and put it into a Praxis that will yield results.  Such results sometimes being identified as 'pleasure' - but for those of us with far vision and genuinely prudent spirits over more than one dimension - is merely a yield, a percentage, to be reinvested into our Will for the next game of Sodom...  Am I understood?  Or are those who are imbecilic and perhaps unquestionably moralised perplexed by the geometric formulation of words and mathematical rigour of argument?  A framework of knowledge indifferent to... 'philosophy'...

My good friends - I stand before you as the most severe and disciplined of men!  How else am I to have the reserves to fuck, debauch, drink, binge and vomit as I do?  How can I orgy and dance wildly?  How can I fight and conquer?  How can I even have the intellectual capacity to ruminate, be creative, meditate on some complex issues and think my way out of the soporific morality of mass man...  If I were not fit, strong, and disciplined with the severity of a Buddhist Sage and a Special Forces soldier?  I assure you - I am.

If you want to see the stars in deep space - you must do without sleep.  And you must crouch your body for long periods in awkward stances, beneath the telescope eyepiece - sometimes in the freezing cold.  If you want to fuck and fuck again, and again, you must be fit - trust me...  And you must be capable of defending your territory in Sacred Holy War, when the moralist plague comes once again - and they are always on the horizon if not at the front door.  If you wish to drink much wine and be steady the morning following - you must be fit indeed, just as you need strength to trek deep into mountains and forests - often in hostile weather - just to be alone for a time, to meditate - or to orgy in peace far away from the looking glass sheeple.

So you see brethren...  There is the greatest strength and the most severe test upon an individuals 'morals', ethics, resolve and even on the capacity to love and remain caring - in Sodom.  Sodom is the ultimate challenge - and the ultimate test of ones honesty, honour, fidelity, capacity to remain focused and forward thinking - and to be fearless before the beautiful.

The last phrase "fearless before the beautiful" may confuse some - but this is my key point here.  It is easy to say "I fear the ugly" and justify it - although in Sodom that is challenged with the greatest ease.  But put many meek moralists before 1000 beautiful naked Fuckers - and I assure you the beautiful bodies and the sweet music of 1000 orgasms will terrify them.

Too many people fear beauty - and for that they remain unfit!  Unfit to indulge in life - unfit even to think about it.  Physically and psychologically unfit!  Spiritually pathological!

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